Slides and Recording of March Monthly Meeting

On March 24, 2021, the Global Digital Health Network convened for it’s March monthly meeting on the topic “Can Digitally Enabled FP/RMNACH Approaches Improve Health Outcomes?” hosted by Intrahealth International.

How to increase family planning use, basic health screening for women, or antenatal and postnatal care adoption? These are core questions for many FP and RMNACH practitioners in low-resource settings. Ideally, we should be able to use a bevy of digital health solutions, and leverage everything from big data to artificial intelligence to help women and families make better decisions around female and child health. Sadly, none of us get to work in the ideal world.

What do FP/RMNACH digital health solutions look like in the real world? We heard from thought leaders who walked us through their experiences in defining FP/RMNACH problems, developing appropriate solutions, and then testing and scaling to achieve impact. We discussed questions like:

  • Which problems did you choose to address & why?
  • What are the ways you’ve pivoted during COVID-19?
  • How does user behavior data improve your products?
  • Are you applying any “big data” methods? What are the results?
  • Is machine learning playing a role, or is AI still mainly hype? 


  • Amy Finnegan, Sr. Data Scientist, IntraHealth (Moderator)


  • Diana Klatt, Senior Product Manager for Insights at Nivi
  • Megan Huchko, MD MPH, Director of the Duke Center for Global Reproductive Health
  • Nick Pearson, CEO Jacaranda Health